: : Tom Fury
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Hardstyle och Z-viruset

Category: , By Tom Fury
Nu är jag grymt jävla trött på det. Inte konstigt att folk tycker vi är lite lustiga ibland. Det har sin naturliga förklaring; folk kan fan i mig inte stava rätt! Att byta ut alla 's' till ett 'z' är inte coolt. Det är efterblivet! Det är något fjortonåriga tjejer gör när de ska vara häftiga på Lunarstorm. Jag skrev ett inlägg om det på GHF:

Seriously. I know this topic has been up before (as a matter of fact I started a thread about it some time ago). But I can't hold it back anymore.

Why the hell does everyone (and by everyone I mean approximately 80 % of everyone) keep on battering the english language? You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the plague that has affected hardstyle since I-don't-know-when. It's the Z-virus! And it is straight out horrible. For one thing it annoys me when 's' is exchanged for 'z' in tracknames, but hey - I've come to accept it, since like everyone (like defined above) keeps on doing it. But when people even use it when they write texts in forums and such; then I can't hold it back anymore. I do understand if you do it for fun, like in a sarcastic way - but I've noticed that some people do exchange the letters without any sarcasm in mind. Or they think it looks more 'hardcore' if they write some z's instead of s's. Dipshits is what they look like.

I just browsed into Screamer Hardstyle the other day, and oh my God how sick of the virus that site is. For example:

"Thiz topic iz linked to the download section from thiz board."

What the hell is wrong with you people? Why do you keep on writing stuff that makes you look like retards? I'm dead serious. No wonder people outside our culture think we're strange (at least here in Sweden). It makes me at least feel kind of embarrassed.

A whole lot of respect to those of you who are immune to the virus and resist naming your songs with twohundred Z's and do know that 'this' is spelled like 'this' and not like 'thiz'. I'm going nuts! I see Z's everywhere! I think they're going to invade the planet, and hardstyle is infected as hell. People, why? Why? WHY?! It isn't cool. It is retarded.

(Phew. I just had to express what I feel. Feel free to hate me now, but really - I'm going nuts. Nuts, I tell you!)

För Guds skull, sluta använda Z överallt där det ska vara S!

1 comment so far.

  1. Johan 28 augusti, 2007 07:25
    Zorry, jag zka zluta göra det. Men tänk på att det är danzbanden zom tar över mer och mer, det är därifrån det ztartade! Det är dom vi zka ha ihjäl!

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