: : Tom Fury
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Junior's Photoshopskills

Category: By Tom Fury
Junior has spent like...all sunday making logotypes for me in Photoshop. Big Kudoz for that, dude! Here's the result:

I also tried my own Photoshop skills (or lack thereof) and produced this sucker:

Not that good, but it'll do.

Anyways, big thanks to Junior for spending all friggin' day making these suckers for me. Thanks! :D

2 comments so far.

  1. Unknown 22 juni, 2008 22:02
    that brain one looks cool IMO! Nice job done by Junior!
  2. Tom Fury 22 juni, 2008 22:04
    Yeah it really is! He's a god damn wizard when it comes to photography and editing picture...stuff. :D

Something to say?