: : Tom Fury
Den enda dokumentationen över Tommies liv

Words From The Gang

Category: By Tom Fury
I remember the day when I first heard electronic music
I knew back then that the illegal computer sound was gonna be my call
My heart got hooked on 4 by 4 beats
When house took his jurney with Jack Chicago and acid house
Now my heart is hooked forever

I don't care if it's french-tek, hardstyle, hardcore, oldschool or jump
I don't understand people who are satisfied with ordinary pop music
They just listen to whatever radio station decide they should like
Followed by an overkill of ringtone commercials meant for kids

And by God, they like it!

Some people even think that house clubs are for weirdos only!
Maybe they're right, maybe we are weird
Maybe this music is weird and maybe the clubs are overrated
But we're in this together,
If you're in the scene, being a DJ seems like a natural path to follow.
Ha, and back in the days DJ were weird people who liked music in a weird way
Back then you would have to be a nerd to become a DJ,
Now a days everybody wants to be a DJ,
Now a days everybody wants to be that nerd,
It sickens me, I hate those smartasses who think that DJ is an easy way to get laid.
Well .. Get a life!
If you're not in it for the love of the music, would you please fuck off!

Jag har definitivt hittat min nya favorit.

3 comments so far.

  1. Johan 12 oktober, 2007 20:30
  2. Anonym 14 oktober, 2007 12:03
    Härmapa! :O
  3. Tom Fury 14 oktober, 2007 16:29
    aldrig i livet ^^

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