: : Tom Fury
Den enda dokumentationen över Tommies liv

Short update

Category: By Tom Fury
I really don't have any exciting things to report, just thought I'd give a briefing of todays work.

I've been reading more of the IEEE articles about software metrics and printed down some of my findings, like a mindmap. The map will need some more structure before I post it here - so far it's just a draft.

I gave the VSTS/TFS literature question a thought and have come up with some titles I think will benefit med and Magnus in our work. The list of books was sent to Magnus earlier this evening, and now we will sync our lists and then send them to Nils so he could order the books for us.

We will have a meeting with Mr Sandahl on Friday morning to discuss the master thesis part of the subject. Hopefully we will be able to combine the Microsoft work with the master thesis without having to do so any unnecessary work.

1 comment so far.

  1. Johan 20 september, 2007 00:10

Something to say?