: : Tom Fury
Den enda dokumentationen över Tommies liv

I'm going west, the project is going well.

Category: By Tom Fury
These days I've been reading three previous master theses on the subject of Software Metrics: "Mätetal för mjukvaruutveckling - Framtagande av ett mätprogram på Ericsson Business Networks AB" (Translates to "Software Metrics for Software Development - Developing a Measurement program at Ericsson Business Networks AB"), "Tillämpning av Software Metrics på objektorienterade system - En studie och ett praktikfall" (Translates to "Application of Software Metrics on Object-Oriented Systems - a study and practical case"), and finally "A Study of Software Metrics: Choosing a Relevant Set of Attributes for the Measurement of Software Quality at Tandberg Data A/S".

I must say that I really didn't learn much new - mostly I just got my previous knowledge confirmed. Nevertheless, there were some useful tips on how to choose relevant quality factors. Maybe not so much with a specific role in mind as I had hoped, but it was hopefully useful knowledge anyway.

I've also been watching some of the few on-demand webcasts that I had left. Can't say that I really learned something useful (for our project) there either - most of them were just repetition of what've been said before in previous web-casts.

Got some other good news though - probably we have two project managers at IFS that can assist us in our empirical research. Magnus has more information about that part.

We've also put together a powerpoint presentation and installed the Live Meeting client, so all deliverables are prepared for the meeting on monday with our supervisors on October 1st, at 1600 hours.

I'll be in Norway during the weekend to visit some relatives, and I'll get back sometime Sunday evening. So I won't be able to answer emails or calls.

Over and out!

1 comment so far.

  1. Johan 30 september, 2007 12:27

Something to say?